Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Research - 1407 Words

Barron, Hassiotis, and Banes (2002) also searched different databases, case studies, and clinical trials to evaluate the best treatment methods for sex offenders with intellectual disability. In their research it was determined that the criminal justice system ineffectively identified intellectual disability, therefore they had received ineffective services and/or treatment methods. They also found that eight percent of those in police custody had similar symptoms to that of intellectual disability. They declared that structured treatment methods and patient follow-up plans were effective because of the ability to manage offenders. Some of the treatment plans also included sex education as well as social skills training. The education can†¦show more content†¦Scvhmucker and Losel (2015) also conducted a study to find the best treatment for sexual offenders. They did a comprehensive study of around 3,000 published, unpublished, materials and used a random model. They examined the main effects of various treatments. This information revealed that cognitive behavioral treatment methods were efficient. The documents revealed that 10.1 percent of treated offenders who would re-offend and untreated offender’s recidivism level would go as high as 13.7 percent. It was concluded that cognitive behavioral treatment played a major role in reducing the recidivism rate in sexual offenders. However, the study did not focus on sex offenders who had intellectual disabilities. Heaton and Murphy (2013) did a follow-up on 34 men with sexually abusive tendencies diagnosed with an intellectual disability and had attended a cognitive-behavioral treatment program. They found that cognitive behavioral treatment had long-term positive effects on sexual offenders who had intellectual disabilities. They found that they sustained changes about cognitive distortions and decreased recidivism. They also showed higher victim empathy and improved sexual attitudes. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an effective method because it is based on identifying offenders needs and risks and responding to them. CBT treatment entails talking, and the offenders are taught about the ways they can manage their own problems, changeShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Research1173 Words   |  5 PagesThe research topic is selected, the testable research question is developed, research on the topic is found, the literature review is completed, and a decision is made on the research design. Now, one of the most important steps in the research process to accomplish is the collection of data. Notwithstanding the research project and whether the method of research is whether qualitative or quantitative, data must be collected. 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